SPRING RIDE 2011! Tuesday 13:30, meet at Cycle Technique (Time changed!)


Hey All,

I’ll be heading to the F1 track tomorrow (Tuesday the 15th) for some sprinting/intervals. We’ll decide what to do based on how the track looks and where its safe to ride. All levels welcome! Just want to get outside for a spin. Weather should be 5 degrees and sunny.

Meet at Cycle Technique at 13:30 or at the hairpin turn at 13:50. Sign up mandatory.

I really want to come but I have an appointment at the Sports Clinic at the exact same time. Would you be ready to go again on Thursday ? Temperature forecast shows 8 degrees and sunny the whole day.

I have class till 13:30 but I can meet you there right after i’m done

Might be there

Will be there.

I won’t be there but just wanted to let you know that the hairpin turn has not been cleared yet. The rest of the track is fine though.

I will “possibly”
be at the track earlier.

i’ll be riding in the am 9:00 till noon anyones’ welcome. could pass by the gates at 9 if anyone wants to come.probably going to J A and back.

See you at the gates Nick

ok i’ll pass by at 9

I have class until 1:30… I’ll get there as soon as I can.

Hurray for SPRING!!!

I’m moving the ride back a 1/2 hour to accommodate those with class ending at 13:30.

New time is 13:30 at Cycle Technique or 13:50 at the hairpin turn.

DAmn! I got all excited and jumped the gun but I forgot that my bike is suffering a temporarily major handicap (super old chain/cassette).

I guess I could just avoid shifting stupidly.

i’ll just meet you guys at the track. I think it will make me more than 5 minutes to get back home, get changed and bike to CT. So don’t wait up

Might be down for this!

i’ll be at the hairpin

bring some waterproof stuff for melted-snow puddles…i got soaked yesterday

I will meet you guys down there too

So glad I left when I did. The pain in my toes is excruciating.

Wearing short-finger gloves was a horrible idea. I can’t feel my fingers.

How was the F1 track ?