Team Trainers

This year, we have unfortunately decided to not continue with morning spins at the McGill gym. Instead, we will be buying some trainers, which team member could then borrow and use in their own apartment throughout the winter. We will collect a deposit for the trainer, which you will get back in the spring when we get the trainer back. We are planning to place an order on trainers, but are trying to gauge interest on how many people do not have their own trainer, and would want to borrow one from the club. So, if you plan on training through the winter and would want to borrow a team trainer, vote below!

  • 100% I would rent a trainer for the winter
  • 50% on the fence
  • 0% Will not be needing a trainer

0 voters

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Workouts/meetups on zwift?


Any idea on what the cost of renting would be of how long we’d be able to keep it?

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There isn’t a charge to rent it, we’ll just collect a deposit in case we never see it again…
You could realistically keep it as long as you want, but will expect them in the spring.

Ok count me in!

I would be really interested in the program, but unfortunately, I am not a member of the club and it seems the university is not allowing any new registrations.

Hi Abhisek,

It is a bit of a confusing time and we’re hoping to have some official statement from McGill soon. In the meantime, we would have no issue renting you a trainer and joining in on our workouts. More info to come on picking it up etc.
