Thursday march 18th ride. 5pm

My schedule doesn’t really acommodates for KOMs.
I’m still debating between flat (f1 track) or hills (houde, etc)
if you have any preference, mention it here

Hi Mat, I’d like to join you this afternoon at 5 PM. Where can we meet? I’d prefer F1- it’ll be my first outdoor ride of the season.

5pm at the Gates. We’ll go to the f1 track

I might be able to join you guys, it will depend on if my lab ends early or not

I’ll meet you at the track Mat a little after 5.

Ok, if anyone wants to meet at the gates, write it here before 4pm. If not, I will be at the track around 5:15

I will also meet you at the F1 track.

Alright I will try to be somewhere on the F1 track around 5:15

Sorry guys! I made it, but I was 20mins late…I’ll be on time next time.

who is madzina?


ohhhhh nice forum name!
it sounds so… indestructible !