Time sensitive mcgill cycling donation!

Hello, I just want to let the mcgill cycling community know that I have cleaned out a large part of my apartment, and among the treasures I have uncovered is three large garbage bags FULL of PACKING MATERIAL FOR BICYCLES!! This would be excellent to keep in the new mcgill cycling trailer, to prevent the bikes from damaging each other. The bags are on my front steps, and THEY WILL BE PUT ON THE ROAD FOR GARBAGE PICKUP WHICH IS TOMORROW MORNING!!! So someone should come and get this bags and then they can make there way to the trailer. There are lots of little frame protector foamies, towels, rags, all sorts of bike protection things. Also a BIKE RACK which used to be mcgill cycling property. ITS GOING ON THE STREET COME GET IT!!!

ST URBAIN ACROSS FROM UQAM! If you need my exact address pm me or ask a veteran mcgill cycling member.

dont miss out on this once in a 10 years event.

I have no way of transporting three large garbage bags between now and tomorrow morning :confused:

Somebody in Montreal please do this!

if philippe hasn’t picked them up yet i assume they are all still on my front stoop since we didn’t take them down for the garbage pickup. next garbage pickup is on monday.

Did anyone grab these or did they get put in the trash this week? If by some miracle they happen to be around and you don’t mind holding onto them until next Thursday or Friday, I’ll have a car then and will gladly come pick everything up.

On a similar note, do large ass cardboard boxes count as useful packing/protecting material? If so, I’ll hold onto my couch’s box. Otherwise I’m tossing it.

i don’t know if anyone picked them up, but they did disappear from my stoop. did someone get them? and yes, cardboard cut into big pieces is very useful.

I came for them, was their cardboard I should have also taken? I didn’t mean to miss anything.

Fantastic. Congrats Phil, I’m dropping cardboard off at your house next Friday.