Training with McGill Triathalon Club

I have some stuff in my inbox to share with you all.
I have emphasized the important info with Bold lettering.

From Patrick to Us:

Hi folks,

Before I left for Vancouver the president of the Triathlon Club,
Angelo Battista and I had spoke about planning a possible
meet-and-greet for people who ride in the Tri-Club and the Cycling
Team. I promised to pass on the contact info for the Cycling Team to
Angelo, and vice versa, and promptly forgot due to the whirl-wind
nature of my move. At any rate, the contact information for all
involved is as follows:

Angelo Battista, Assistant Facilities manager and Tri Club President,

David Piercey, MCT Head Coach and MTB co-ordinator,

Martin Picard, MCT Assistant Coach and Road cycling co-ordinator

Mike “Action” Acton, MCT Assistant Coach and Spinning Instructor,

Clarisse Kehler Siebert, MCT Martlet Coach,
(On exchange at the University of Maastricht during the Winter, 2006 term.)

Ride on!

From: Angelo Battista

Thank you for the introduction Patrick. I hope that you are getting
along well in B.C. As I had mentioned to Patrick at the time, the MTC
would like to extend and invitation to the MCT to train with us on a
couple of occasions for the simple purpose of getting to know each
other. As you know, there are about spin 26 bikes available and I am
sure that if we all made an effort to bring in trainers we could slip in
more people to ride together. Let us know what would be most
convenient for you. We officially train together Wednesday mornings
from 06:30-08:00 and Saturday mornings from 09:00 to 10:30 followed by
Power yoga at 10:45.
You are certainly welcome to join in the Yoga
also. Let us know.

Angelo Battista
President McGill Triathlon Club
Assistant Facilities Manager
McGill University
Department of Athletics
T: 514-398-7010
F: 514-398-4901

I spoke with Angelo this morning by phone and he want you to please be aware that this is a one-time event and not an invitation to drop in and train with the Tri team at any time. Apparently the athletes present have to pay for their training sessions and feel it would be unfair if non-paying members showed up at random to participate.
If you are planning on dropping in, let them know first so that you won’t get an unfriendly welcome.
You have been warned.
