I like the just-edited rules, if it really doesn’t work this tuesday we can revise for the week after. Though I do agree with scott, I think it might work just as well if we ditched the intermediate sprints - laps aren’t that long.
Rules are changed scott.
Regarding the first set, I never told anyone how to ride/race or which tactics to use. I was quite interested to see how a teams would stratagize for it, since a full blown lead out train probably wasn’t in their best interest.
Cycling is a thinking man’s sport, and I’m trying to make a system that will make people think hard about what to do. With that in mind, I wouldn’t figure that every single person would go 100% every intermediate point check.
Sometimes less is more.
That is exactly what I need to learn scott, I get excited when I see open road and attack too hard and too often.
I’m learning moderation as fast and extreme as I can :P.
Sorry Dennis I’m agreeing with Scott on this one. It is better to do fewer things really well, then it is to do more things half hazardously.
Anybody who raced last year, or is planning on riding C in the ECCC this year should give this ride a shot. It’ll be great prep for the season ahead!
How long does it take to get back from the track to McGill?
Under 15 minutes, looking forward to this ride
If you’re booking it. I’d guess more like 20min.
Here are the teams for tomorrow morning:
Phil B
Jon VK
Ryan P
I would be awesome if teams could somehow coordinate matching jerseys, but I think it’ll be a bit impossible this time around.
I’ll be riding by the gates at 6:20 if anyone wants to ride to the track with me. Otherwise, meet at the hairpin at 6:45. If you arrive late and don’t see us, ride backwards on the track and meet up with us as we’ll probably be finishing up our warm up lap.
If anyone still wants to come they can sign up in the additional sign up column. And if anyone feels the urge to show up unannounced, I’m sure we can find a spot on a team for you, although we’re already a pretty sizable pack!
I’m pretty excited for tomorrow! Let’s see which team can outwit the others and take out the most points by the end of the ride!
Hey is it too late for me to join for tomorrow morning? I could ride with one of the team of 4.
Not sure if I’ll follow you guys but I’ll try my best and I used to have a pretty good sprint!
Let me know! if not, it’ll be some other time!
Hey Cath, anyone can come out for this, just be forewarned that it could be a pretty fast pace! Everyone is going to regroup every two laps though, so there’s no reason not to give it a try.
You can join my team with adrien, jocelyn and sebastien
I’ll be around as well, though I did mean to respond earlier.
With Cold and Heat,
Fog and Sleet,
To the Lowest Valley and highest Peak,
We Cyclists must Compete.
Through Rain and Snow,
Fast and Slow,
No Matter how hard the Wind may Blow,
McGill Cyclists gotta Go!
See you at the Track Tomorrow.
I don’t ride if its raining when I wake up. Personal preference after the swamp ride.
Otherwise I’ll see you guys at the gates for 6:20. Cheers.
may show up
adam the swamp ride was all new levels of awesome. but i would not do it again
is the gate the one at the end of McGill College ave? I’ll try to meet you there, I have no idea how to get to the track haha
I’ll meet you at the hairpin at 6h45.