U-cup #2 results

just thought all you mcgiller’s should know that one of your own fearless leaders (mike acton) came to rock the mcgill colours at the U-cup #2 XC mtb race in hardwood hills on the weekend… he basically DESTROYED men’s B and won the race :smiley:

congrats mike… and take care of your shoulder :!: (he may have crashed during the pre-ride… ask him about it, i’m sure he’ll share)

i heard you did pretty well too chris. congrats to both of you!

Excellent work Mike!

For the record, I didnt crash… i tipped… but it may have resulted in an injury…

Great work guys bring home the gold.

yeah, congrats to both of you! you make quite the dynamic duo…

good job !

Nice job!!!
But wait a tic, Mike arent you a roadie? hm hybrid cyclers, sounds diverse!

keep the winnings coming!

Haha, i was born in the mountains… i grew up riding mountain bikes. I only switched to road when I got to university and couldnt afford the transportation to get to mountain bike trails.

But, I am moving back to the mountains next year and will of course, be back on a mountain bike ASAP. The mountain riding ive done recently got the needle stuck way back up my arm… so i’ve of course gotta give into the addiction.

Check out this pic!

Thats a pretty rad pic mike
im jealous you got to race at hardwood
i miss that place
i started my racing career there :stuck_out_tongue: