Weekly rides - fall 2013

Members are always encouraged to post their own rides and invite others to join in, but what really gets a nice crowd out for a group ride are regular weekly rides. This fall (while the weather is still nice!) we have a set of six rides planned for each week.

Choosing a couple rides to take part in on a weekly basis is the single best way to get to know other riders on the team and make friends. Find your favourite weekly rides and become a regular!

Throughout the semester, there will be postings for each and every one of these outings created by the ride leader which will include further information about the ride such as difficulty (beginner, intermediate, advanced), duration, route, meeting location, as well as a sign up list.

The rides are as follows:

1.) Monday Morning Beginner Ride (7:00am?), lead by Dhruv Bisaria, starting September 9th.

2.) Team Points Ride (TPR), an adv/int+ ride held Tuesday mornings (6:45am) at the F1 track, lead this year by Philippe Tremblay. The first TPR will be held on September 10th.

3.) Wednesday Women’s Ride, led by the Amazing Jessica Cooper, gives you the opportunity to get away from all the testosterone on the team. The time is set at 7:00AM for now, if you’re interested in the ride but can’t make the time work let us know and we’ll try to switch it up.

4.) King of the Mountains (KOM), a three group / all level ride held on Thursday mornings (6:30am). KOM has been a staple of McGill Cycling for many years and will be organised by Eric Burge. The first official KOM will be on September 12th.

5.) Friday Evening Beginner Ride (5:00pm?), lead by Eric, starting September 13th.

6.) Saturday 100k, a longer intermediate paced ride lead by myself and various other members which leaves at 9am on Saturdays.

Edit: Women’s ride time switched.

I’m definitely interested in the Wednesday Women’s Ride, but I have a class at 9:30. Is there any way we could do it a little earlier or on a different day?

I’m also interested in the Wednesday Women’s Ride. I have class at 10, so earlier would be good for me too.

Hey girls! We can definitely play around with the time or the day to try to accommodate everyone! How about we make it 7 am on Wednesday instead?

What is the route for the 100k ride? How long does it usually take? Thanks! Also, where do these rides meet? Will there be any other afternoon/ evening rides other than on Fridays?

Welcome! Route will change up every weekend, but the most popular one is probably mac campus and back. You can see a few of our other favourite rides in a sticky at the top of the rides section of the forum. Almost all rides except thursday KOM meet at the Roddick gates on Sherbrooke. We don’t have any weekly rides planned for the evenings except Friday, but you’re encouraged to post what time/what ride you want to do on the forum and see if anybody else is interested, as I’m sure many others will do as we get back into the swing of things.

Hey Jocelyn,

Typical rides for the 100km ride bike be a trip off the island to Mont St. Hilaire, St. Remi, or a cruise down to the west island / Senneville. Every once in awhile we go across Laval and onto the North shore. The 100km is usually done at an intermediate pace (30-33km/h), so it’s typically done in 3-4hrs depending on how much we stop.

MOST rides meet at the Roddick Gates, the main entrance to the campus located on Rue Sherebrooke.

Official weekly rides aren’t typically posted for the afternoon simply because we can get better turn outs in the morning when no one has class. However you’ll find that many people find a day of the week where they have the afternoon free and post rides. For example, I believe I’ll end up having Thursday afternoons free, and will probably be doing a regular ride at the F1 track. Might be a pretty quick paced ride tho!

Hope that helps! Thanks for asking questions.

If we change the Monday Morning Ride to 6:30am-6:45am I will be good. I can only ride for about an hour since I have an 8:30am class :frowning:

Every so often I’ll run a poll for people who want to ride longer, in which case I can either lead a ride in the evening (~5-6pm, dress warm like the friday evening beginner rides), or an experienced beginner can join us :slight_smile:

Wed at 7 am works for me too ! I would join :slight_smile: thanks

Hey Guys
I will be joining you this term for the rides but before that I would like to go to the F1 track on saturday to see how it feels, so given that this would be my first ride in Montreal I wanted to know if you could give me some information about what is the best time to get there and if there are any entrance fees.

Thanks and looking forward to meet you all

F1 track is free and good at all times of day except for the rare exception of certain events(the F1 race, triathlon, etc.) There will be more cyclists during the logical times, but never any cars.

In my opinion you really don’t need to pre-ride the F1 track before riding it with us - it’s a pretty easy - almost boring - place to ride. The advantage of doing it with a group first is that you’ll see the best way to get there; there are definitely some bad options. Look forward to riding with you.