ECCC Yale April 7/8

Get ready for some serious climbing! The next race MCT will be going to is Yale in New Haven, CT. There will be an ITT and circuit race on Saturday and a Crit on Sunday. Further details on the races can be found here:

Please sign up if you are interested in attending. Due to different hosting options, an email will be sent out Wednesday morning asking you guys for your 100% confirmation by Friday at 6pm.

On second thought, Yale does not look so great right now :frowning:

I will only be able to come if I’m able to be back in Montreal Saturday night. Would anybody consider doing only the Saturday stuff with me? It would probably mean we could leave Saturday morning to. I won’t be doing the ITT. If you only have time for one day rather then the weekend Please post.

Hahaha and I only want to do Sunday :stuck_out_tongue:

Do the road race!!! Cardio!!!

I think I’m going to do all 3 but I will hate every minute of Saturday!

TT’s are fun in an odd way.
Just you and your willingness to put yourself through the most physical pain possible over 4.3 miles.
oooooohhh, gets the blood going :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to race!!! But i cant until after the 17th… (sad face)

Of critical importance:

exit 5 in albany (off the 87) looks like our first winner

Hahaha nice one!

Just putting it out there again so I know if I can go for at least a little of it.

Anybody else only able to make it for the Saturday?

Where are all of the ladies?!!?

*strong confident women

I know that Jess and I can’t make it til Army… boo

Josef, I would be down for coming back Saturday night.

Just realised it’s the Easter weekend, I doubt I’ll make it :frowning:

So it seems like McGill will only be represented by “strong confident men”

You guys will still do well anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Strong confident men with all their teeth and mental assets intact xD