March 24th Queen's Crit

Now that South Carolina is done it’s time to start thinking about racing. This year the first race we will be attending en masse is a crit hosted by Queen’s university on March 24th. Information about the race can be found at the facebook event page, here, but it’s a pretty traditional crit on a nice course less than three hours away by car.

Right now the plan is to be in Kingston for a nice training ride on Saturday and then race on Sunday. We will be staying at my parents’ house, which comes free with dinner. If you’re interested, sign up in one of the categories above and we’ll send you an email with more information asking for a 100% confirmation by the end of this week.

I’ll be driving down friday evening and staying at a friend’s place. Was the team planning on leaving saturday morning?

I was planning on leaving on Friday evening as well unless a vocal contingent of racers preferred otherwise.

I’m 100%. For the critt what should we do. Theres A and B again like the McGill critt. For intermediate riders neither category makes sense :confused: Sandbag it?

Cool cool. I’ll have room for one other person in the car leaving friday evening, then.

Are we 100% sure of returning on sunday?

Mike, you’re in A no questions

We always return on Sundays!

Eric, I’d hate to be that guy, but since you didn’t specify, will the meal be vegetarian friendly, or should we bring our own stuff?

Also lots of thanks to your family for putting us up!

What time do you think we’d be leaving at on Friday? Or else, is there a car leaving on Saturday morning?

And Mike, I’d hold you company in the V pack :slight_smile:

then its a deal.

Yeah so I forgot to add my name to this sign up in spite of talking about this race all week in SC, any chance I can hop on to this?? :slight_smile: Please!

I still have 3 places in my car for carpooling with 3 place on the car roof.

Eric, is there really enough place for at least 10 people at your parents’ house?

Here is a link to the info about the race which should have been in the main post of this thread…

Thanks Mathieu. There’s a lot of space but not actually 10 beds if I’m being fair. We can do some air mattresses though and I’ve also got two possible options for other house stays in Kingston. Once I get final confirmations we’ll figure out the specifics but it definitely won’t be a problem. Everybody keep an eye out for an email heading your way with full details this weds. or thurs.

Going to try and make this…

^ who is that?

If there is still room in a car… I’m calling dibs.
Are we arranging our own sleeping conditions or planning staying together as a team somewhere?

Zach, did you read the first post or just use a jump to conclusions mat?

There’s a chance we could do two crits that day? Don’t know if I’m interested, but possibly…

nvm $40 each lol
University A will have to be it