MAY 16th: Lake Placid Epic Training Weekend of DOOM!


Hey Everyone! i’ve finally had a minute to tabulate the expenses for the weekend and will be collecting cash money this week. Here’s how the expenses break down.

per person: $12.13

Fire Wood
Per person: $1.80

Scott’s car: $42.84
Bijan’s car: $35
Steve’s car: $56.53
Total: $134.37
per person: $11.20

Beer: $35
if you had beer, add $4

Total to pay to scott: $25
Total to pay to scott if you took beer: $29

The best way for me to collect payment would be through a central meeting time and place. I’ve setup three different MORNING times you can pay me, register for them or PM if you have an issue. I can also accept interact money transfer and paypal.



Check the team only section for the logistics thread i started!

UPDATED MAY 6th: Camping site is booked! We have sites 35, 33B, and 39. That will accommodate the 12 people signed up here as well as my two friends.

Scroll down to the second map:

The cost for accommodation per person will be $10US.


  1. the two small sites (33B & 39) are for 1 tent, 4 people and 1 car. The bigger group site (35) is for 2 tents, 2 cars, and 6 people. So we are going to need BIG tents: leave your 8 lbs single person backpacking tent at home!
  2. fire wood can be bough for $6.25 per bail
  3. mtb’s can be rented in the town of Lake Placid which is about a 20 minute drive away

UPDATED APRIL 24th: I will be booking the campsite exactly one week from now. So i’m going to need final confirmations as of FRIDAY MAY 1st.

With NICK, ME, OLIVER and my two friends, we should have enough people driving. Details regarding gear and racks etc. to follow.


  1. if you have expressed interest but haven’t clicked the register button please do so
  2. if you clicked the register button and now know you can’t come, then please unregister
  3. If you are coming with friend/lover/therapist/Personal Guru, please unregister from the regular slot and register for the ME + 1 slot. (if you are coming with more then 1 person message me.)

The weekend of May 16th and 17th I will be organizing a Camping/training weekend of epic proportions in the beautiful Adirondacks. Here is a rough breakdown of the weekend. Despite the testosterone infused title of this post, this weekend will be as epic or casual as you want. No matter how much or little you do, the riding is beautiful. :slight_smile:

Satuday the 16th:

  1. Leave early from the gates, and drive approx 2 hours to Lake Placid. get there by 10:00ish, setup camp and have lunch.
  2. Two loops (180km total/6h) of the beautiful Ironman Lake Placid bike course which features stunning scenery, excellent roads, over 2500 feet of climbing, and a harrowing non-technical 10km descent where speeds will reach 80kmph for the brave/stupid. Single 90 or 70km loops are also easily arranged so there’s something for everyone.
  3. Post ride smack talk and optional 30 minute run for bonus points.
  4. Camp fire + BBQ + merry making!

Sunday the 17th

  1. Delicious and hearty breakfast and then an easy ride out to the town of Willmington.
  2. ATTACK ON Mt. WHITEFACE! Aprox. a 13km climb with average grades of 8%, Whiteface is (by the numbers) a tougher climb than the Tour De France’s (in)famous Alp D’Huez. The views from the climb are stunning and we will launch our attack at a time when the road will be closed to traffic.
    3)Easy ride to camp for lunch
  3. Smack talk during the return drive to montreal in time for dinner.

Other Info
There is likely a great deal of Mountain biking in the area so our furry friends are welcome!
There are rides of all distances available as the loop includes a significant out-and-back section that can simply be left out.
I will make this as cheap as humanly possible because i am broke.
There is swimming, shopping, hiking, and general hanging out in the charming town of Lake Placid for those that just want to come along.
Guitars and Beer at the campfire!

This sounds epic! We should check some hotel prices in case people don’t want to rough it, between early season and economy hurting we can probably get some cheap rates.

Depending on interest that this trip generates we can definitely consider that option.

When in Placid, I typically stay at a hostel just outside town that is very affordable, has a big kitchen, and lots of showers. Obviously it’d add about 20-30 bucks to the price tag over camping which is practically free when you cut up the site fees. We’ll see, but if we’re a big group, that’d be the best option.

Is the 13 km the horizontal distance or the travel distance? If its the former thats a straight up 3380 ft ascent! :shock:

3555ft to be precise.

FYI: MCT’s own Matt BR did the climb in very studly 49:01.0 in 2007 ( There was also a dude who did it on a unicycle in 1:20 a few years ago.

Ah, good ol garmin. 5050 Ft! I’m quaking in my cycling shoes already :oops:

scott- i have goosebumps!! this sounds like a lot of fun. and i’ve always wanted to climb whiteface, sounds pretty EPIC. i’m definitely interested.

also, i say we camp.

I’m potentially interested if i have money/a job at that point and am still in Mtl. The combination of those things currently seems unlikely however, so don’t count on me.

what leslie said.

I’ll still be in Europe then :frowning:
If you guys happend to move the trip backwards by two weeks I’d sooooo be in! Otherwise have fun

I’d be in to move it as AJ wants.

Sounds very interesting! Think it would be cool if my wife came along and we made a weekend of romantic doom?

everyone is welcome.

Sorry AJ, this works out to be the only possible weekend for this trip with moving + job + etc. You should push back your ticket! :slight_smile:

i might really be in for this.

I say CAMPING!! In tents, it’s always so much more fun and painful, which makes you remember it!

Plus a pack of beer (for the merry making), and the climb will be epic!

00:59:XX is an excellent time for the climb for a fit, well rested, non-hungover cyclist. Having said that, the smack talk will FLY if anyone completes the climb slower than 01:20 (time of the unicycle guy). :smiley:

You haven’t seen slow until you’ve seen me on bike while sleep deprived and hung over :stuck_out_tongue:

for the record, Math did better than 49:01.0 last year, he did 48:12! came 1st in his cat, second overall!

I’ve done it last year and its an amazing ride. I’m in for the camping too.

Sounds sweet, Scott.

I vote for camping too. I have nothing but fond memories from last fall’s rainy, 0-degree tent-pitching at the ECCC mountain races.

How could I pass up an opportunity that uses Epic, Training, and Doom, as part of the title. I definately want to go.