MAY 16th: Lake Placid Epic Training Weekend of DOOM!

i might be able to not work finally during that weekend, and i might be able to take my brother’s car!

Oliver and Nick: excellent!

We will need quite a few cars to ensure that we can get bikes and all the camping gear down there. I figure we can manage 4 people and 4 bikes per car at best.

might be worth to try and get our hands on a mini-van for the bikes.

I’m a member of Communauto so I could rent a car for the weekend if need be. Total cost including gas would be in the $100 range.

Note: Lorri and I are interested in coming, contingent on getting the grandparents to take care of Peter III.

I can’t decide if I should be proud or offended at the use of “furry friends.” Regardless, I think I and my leghair would be very interesting in laying down a sub 1:20 time on whiteface.

It sounds like the grandparents can take care Peter III, so consider my wife and I “extremely interested”.

Hey everyone!

Please see the original post for an update. Long term forecast for the weekend looks good: Hills and 100% probability of soul crushing pain. :smiley:

Might be coming with a car. It depends if I’m going to St-Raymond or not. If you really need one more car let me know.

So there was a discussion about camping vs. cheap hotels, was that determined? Because I have no tent/sleeping bag/etc in Montreal and would need to go invest in some. Something that should happen soon, rather than on the 15th.

we will be camping for sure. I’ll be posting another update with some logistics stuff in the coming days.

I actually need to cancel due to work :frowning: Next time.

I have to cancel, my summer class ends on that weekend and I’ll have my final.

i can’t either. work :frowning: sorry, this looked like fun!

I am on the fence. I have been doing way too much road biking this spring, and almost zero mountain biking. My furry friends call… will make a decision soon.

wow! three people drop out and now Ben’s on the fence! I sense a little anti-momentum going that hopefully is just a result of post-exam-post-race-month blues.

Weekends like this are a great way to get crazy fit. Nothing will give your season a kick in the butt more then a lot of quality volume early in the spring! More importantly, it’s about having fun!

The group looks great. This weekend is going to be awesome guys and girls, if you miss it i’m positive you’ll regret it. Especially when you’re at home that weekend slacking in your apartment at 12:00 doing nothing in particular, when you COULD be waking up in the wilderness, cooking over a fire, riding sweeeeeet roads, and drinking around a campfire with Redmen and Martlets!

I’m going to keep up the momentum by buying the stuff I need and asking lots of questions.

Is Canadian Tire the best choice for a cheap tent and sleeping bag?

Will people be bringing their own meals (I know I’ll be bringing bars and snacks) but for at the tents, or will there be a communal cooler potluck style, where we all bring alot of something.

Are we staying at a campground, or just on the side of the mountain. (changes things like bringing water etc.)

Thats all I could think of for now.

Hey Scott,

How much will this trip cost, roughly? We have a tent that sleeps 4, and our friend has a 3 man tent. I also have an extra sleeping bag if someone wants to borrow it.

I have a two man tent, and I’m happy to share it with anyone under 6 feet. If christina and leslie are going mountain biking, then I might have to do that with them. And adam, Canadian tire is maybe the worst place to buy a cheap tent and sleeping bag. (spoken as someone who works at a canadian tire). I guess I would vote for somewhere with more outdoor creed, like the MEC (Mountain Equipment Coop).

I’m in the process of sorting out costs and reservations for this trip. I’ve found a great looking camp site that sits on a 120 acre resort with mounain bike trails leading directly to white face trail.

Rates are about $30 for the site (2 adults) plus 7-10 dollars per additional adult. There are also additional charges for cars, but even with these fees i am seriously doubtful that the cost for camping will be more than $15-$20 per person. Gas will be about $10-$15 each.

I still have to think about the most efficient way to handle food and gear. more on that tomorrow.

I’m making the camping reservations tomorrow based on the numbers of this thread. they will likely ask for my credit card for a deposit. If you are signed up, as of noon tomorrow you are committed, in that if you bail you owe the group money!

Soo tempted to do the 160km loop sat and MTB on sunday…