It is currently the Middle ish of Summer, but I wanted to let everybody know…
McGill Cycling has scheduled Winter training sessions at McGill Athletics:
Spinning Workouts - Starting the week of November 1st - Friday 6:30 - 8:30 am, and Sunday 9 - 11 am in the Spin Room and led by soon to be certified me.
Plyometric Workouts - Starting the week of October 1st Wednesday nights 8 - 10:30 pm in the Aerobics room and led by me as well- it will be broken into two halves, easier and not easier.
Spinning and Plyo will work in harmony to create awesomeness, or each can work independently for a more moderate version of awesomeness. Awesome is guaranteed.
Move your class schedules around accordingly.
A. Boush.
P.S. McGill athletics may change these times, but I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen.
I’m really gonna miss plyometrics… When a week after the first workout, i need to hold on to the railing going down a staircase, with both hands, it means the workout was awesome.
will anybody else be certified for spinning this winter, if not and if you need a replacement I would be glad to give a hand, Im transfering to mcgill this semester and Im already an instructor for studiocycle (certified be fida)
Greetings Patrick. I believe McGill athletics needs spin instructors for their recreation courses. I said I was too busy on my own, but with more certified instructors, MCT might be able to have a class and earn money. I can give you the contact information if your interested.
Also it would be great to look at our schedules and leading styles so we can get us all in the best shape for racing during the two we already have scheduled. Thanks for letting us know your certified because we all learn from each other.
if you could give me the information that’d me great.
as for my scedhule i have a break on mondays ans wednesdays from 10:30 to 1:30 otherwise I am free weekdays after 3:30 (unless I am scheduled for work at my spinning class). likewise, I am looking forward to comparing our styles as instructors.
on a different note: since I will be paying membership this year to be part of the mcgill cycling team, will i have access to the fitness center or just the spinning room
I will get the information for you this afternoon. I’m going to go to athletics and try to chat with Perry Karnofsky, the head of the campus recreation committee.
Also the Fitness center question is a good one. The short answer is no. McGill Cycling does not receive free access to any of the facilities. We are just normal students who need to pay for things like everybody else.
Examples. We can book the spin room, or aerobics room (as we have) but we cannot just go in there whenever. We can pay $40 per year to use the fitness center, but we are not allowed in the Varsity weight room. The pool is free to any students when it is during “recreational swim” times of the day.
They would have to pay a monthly fee for the fitness center that is high (I’ve been told its cheaper to go to a YMCA). I’ll talk with security there to make sure non-students are going to be able to get into the building for spinning and Plyo without any trouble.
It is true that spinning and Plyo people will be able to get into the building if they are not from McGill, but not get into the fitness center for the power training.
Just an update. I completed the spinning orientation and am now a spin instructor. I learned things, was retaught others and am pumped.
PLYO in 10 Days. Time to start dreaming about jumping.