Plyometrics/Circuit Training

So I got the A-okay from the McGill Sports Med clinic to start abusing my knees again. New Years Resolution #1: 6 hours of plyometrics every week!

Hell yeah!!! I’ll be posting when they are once I’ve worked out what my own schedule will be. However I promise the workouts start two a week first week back (probably with an bonus on Sunday the 4th before starting up during that week.)

Have awesome fun this break everybody. And everytime you reach for a piece of pie, just think of the army hctt. J)

Hey Adam!

School starts again on monday the 4th, so i wanted to know if it’s the same schedule for the winter semester? Damn … I hope it will fit into my schedule … :~ (lol, wanted to try one of these…)

Offical Schedule for the new year.

First workout on January Tuesday the 5th, 6 -9. Consisting of two 1.5 hour “rounds”. Round one is “easier” which means that I’m making sure that everybody is being safe and pacing themselves. Round two is “harder” because I jut let everybody take care of themselves and put in as close to zero rest as possible.

Workouts will be every Tuesday Night 6 - 9 and Friday night 6 - 9.

I chose these times to spread them out for recovery and to avoid the Monday night PowerWatts class and Hons’ Sunday morning spinning, which has more participants than the 6:30 am Friday session.

These will continue every week (barring my midterms) until the Rutgers race. Then I’ll be continue with just on bike training for the next five weeks up to the three weekends of racing.

2 months to Rutgers. Hope you all come.

Sorry… I haven’t been keeping up with the forum. Where will the workouts be held on Tuesdays & Fridays? Will they be in the spin room? Thanks.

The workouts are in the varsity weight room, or the hallway adjacent to it, both of which are directly across from the spinning room in the McGill athletics building basement.

well that was shitty…I went to take a “thesis nap” and slept right through until 9… :expressionless:

Schedule adjustment: (stupid labs)
In working out my own scheduling I found a conflict with Tuesday. Its time will now be from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. 1h 15min each, but I’ll just pull those lost 15 minutes from the amount of talking we’ve been doing and we’ll still get in the full workout.

For round 2 on Friday:
Friday is still the best choice of the week for the second session, however I will maybe sometimes get a little fatigued after having done Hons’ class that morning, so don’t be surprised if I’m not as “bouncy” as I used to be. I can still say really hard workouts, even if I’m crying inside.

Hope to see people there. Right now we are going back to basics, so focusing more on absolute strength, lactic acid tolerance, and the mental toughness to not get dropped.


Hi Adam,

We missed you this morning at spinning :frowning:

Does your absence this morning change anything for this evening?

I won’t be able to do the 5+ minute wall sits without your screaming- errrr… I mean “encouragement.”

sorry not gonna make plyo tonight. spinning this morning, an hour of yoga at 2, and I think 3 hrs of plyo on top of that and I might just expire. I’ll catch you next week. Plus i’m still a bit sore from tuesday…
But DAMN did my legs looked ripped in the yoga mirrors! nothing like 15 minutes of wall sits to make you cut.

I am so into my routine of biking in the morning before breakfast that I started my ride on my trainer, at 7:10 was doing a set of spin ups and thought lock down those hips, and then I realized it was Friday morning. I’ll be at the gym in 20 minutes.

skipping…ride tomorrow instead =P

adam, you’re insane.

hey it’ll be me +1 tonight, that cool? my gf will be attending also, check out what plyometrics is like

I regret to inform people who are coming to these workouts that I got sick this weekend, and thus fell behind in my work and feel quite awful everywhere… Therefore I will not lead anyworkout tommorow Tuesday Jan 26th, but I challenge others who have come to any of the others to step up and say “lets do things that hurt our legs, because it makes us awesome.” If you do want to lead just remember Adam’s golden rules of exercise. “Dieing is bad” and “Breathing helps you not die.” Besides that its all good.

I’ll be better for Friday, and if not I’ll post again. Sorry everybody.

I may come and do round one at 6:30. Anyone still interested? If there is some interest I can step up and lead the exercises. (you should definitely expect a little bit of the slapping game)

Yeah i’ll be there tomorrow, getting off an ankle injury so I’m gonna be feeling it out, I’ll have my brace though. Is it still in the varsity weight room or something like that?

That’s right, it’s in or around the varsity weight room, at 6:30 today, Tuesday.

I’ll be there, but will there be a leader? It’s my first time, so I will be at loss… ha ha ha

yeah, I can lead it. I’ve been destroyed by adam enough times that I know pretty much how it goes.